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On-demand webinar: Meet your match: building the right charitable partnerships

Strong charitable partnerships are the backbone of the social good sector, yet many relationships between corporations and nonprofits fall short. Today, 93% of nonprofits say they want to improve corporate partnerships, and 80% say they have a hard time engaging with potential partners.

So, what’s holding these partnerships back?

Check out our webinar to hear experts from Bonterra discuss the importance of charitable partnerships, how funders can find the right partners, how CSR software can help manage and strengthen these relationships, and more.

During this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why relationships between corporate funders and nonprofits aren’t as strong as they could be
  • Why you should partner with nonprofits that match your corporate values
  • How to find the right nonprofit partners and sustain those relationships
  • How corporate giving software makes it easier than ever to find, vet, and connect with potential partners
  • Why leading corporations partner with Bonterra and what sets us apart

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