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ETO  ·  11 Mins  ·  For: Foundational

Participant Groups Across the Enterprise

Learn how to move participant groups across sites in your enterprise.

Audience: All users

This webinar focuses on leveraging the functionality within the ETO (Efforts to Outcomes) system to manage participant groups, including families and collections, across an enterprise. Annie, a senior training specialist at Bonterra, demonstrates the enterprise-level features that enable administrators to enroll participants, make cross-site referrals, and work with collections.

The presentation first covers the enterprise enroll feature, which allows users to enroll participants from one site into another site within the ETO enterprise. Administrators must configure settings to enable "listening" and "advertising" for enterprise duplicates, as well as determine which participant demographics will be shared and accepted across sites. The webinar then addresses the process of making site-to-site referrals, emphasizing the importance of configuring referral form security and data sharing settings. Finally, the session explores the limitations of using collections across the enterprise, as these are typically site-specific. Participants learn strategies for managing shared collections, such as leveraging the enterprise enroll functionality. Throughout the webinar, Annie provides step-by-step guidance and live demonstrations within the ETO system to equip administrators with the knowledge to optimize participant management across their enterprise.

Participant Groups Across the Enterprise Presentation Slides

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