This webinar focused on the importance of data integrity and best practices for data entry within the Apricot system. The presenter emphasized that accurate, uniform, complete, and timely data entry is crucial for an organization to effectively track progress, evaluate program impact, and secure funding. Apricot utilizes a two-tier form structure, with tier one forms capturing demographic and essential client information, and tier two forms recording service-related details. The session walked through the steps for creating new client records, including searching to prevent duplicates, completing the tier one profile, and assigning the record to the appropriate program. Key features highlighted were the duplicate check functionality and required fields to ensure data completeness.
This webinar also explains the concept of the document folder, which serves as the digital filing cabinet for all records associated with a client. Discussions covered accessing and editing tier two service records within the document folder, as well as the ability to link related records, such as household members. Throughout the webinar, the presenter provided live demonstrations within the Apricot platform to illustrate the data entry workflow. The overarching goal was to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to maintain high-quality data in Apricot, ultimately supporting their organization's reporting and funding needs.
Tracking Participants’ Progress Presentation Slides
Apricot · 18 Mins
Tracking Participants’ Progress
Session Description: Learn about the importance of data integrity and develop an understanding of Forms and Linking within your Apricot.
Audience: All users
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