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Apricot  ·  24 Mins

Measuring Client Progress via Forms

Session Description: Discover how to use masked value fields and calculations in the form designer.

Audience: Admins

The webinar focused on best practices for using advanced form design tools in Apricot to effectively measure client progress over time. The presenter highlighted the importance of leveraging "masked value" fields, such as Likert scales, dropdown menus, and radio buttons, that associate numeric values with text responses. This allows the software to calculate an overall assessment score that can be tracked and compared across multiple administrations. The presenter walked through the process of creating a "school engagement assessment" form, including building a reusable lookup list of response options, adding calculation fields to sum the numeric values, and testing the form before publishing it for use.

Key takeaways included the need to design tier two forms that can be completed multiple times, utilize masked value fields to capture quantitative data, and incorporate calculation fields to generate a composite score that can be used to measure change over time. The webinar emphasized the importance of thoroughly testing forms before deployment and archiving any fake data entries used during the design process. Attendees were encouraged to leverage Apricot's training resources and support if they encounter any issues or have additional questions.

Measuring Client Progress via Forms Presentation Slides

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