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Apricot  ·  24 Mins

Designing Forms for Tracking Services, Case Notes, Interactions and More

Session Description: Learn how to design custom forms for tracking interactions with subjects.

Audience: Admins

The webinar covered best practices for designing tier two forms in Apricot to track services, case notes, and interactions. Tier two forms are used to capture snapshots of interactions over time, allowing users to see a historical narrative and measure change. When deciding between a tier one or tier two form, key considerations are whether the data needs to be recorded multiple times and if it will be used to measure change over time. Tier two forms should focus on capturing data points that can provide statistical reporting, such as date, contact method, and service type, rather than open-ended text fields.

The software automatically nests tier two forms within a client's document folder, so they are accessed through the folder rather than the main navigation. Specific design recommendations include keeping forms concise, making key fields "quickview" to provide summary information, and selecting a "record name" field to enable printing. The webinar walked through a case notes form example to illustrate these principles in practice. Attendees were encouraged to explore additional Apricot training resources and reach out to support if they have further questions.

Designing Forms for Tracking Services, Case Notes, Interactions and More Presentation Slides

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