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Navigating the new year

Donor retention strategies that raise more

Speaker: Mallory Erickson, Creator of the Power Partners Formula™

I had an 80% donor retention rate–do you believe it? Well, not at first.

When I started fundraising, phrases like donor attrition, lapsed donors, or low donor retention stressed me out, and I know I’m not alone. Unfortunately, most of the time when we get advice about how to better retain our donors, it’s a one-size-fits-all old-school methodology that doesn’t work for us.

The fundraising landscape is changing rapidly and the way funders want to work with nonprofits is too. The methodology we are going to talk about in this webinar is a totally different way to fundraise from the beginning AND a different way to steward your donors that ensures alignment, engagement, and retention. 

These are the secrets to retaining more of the right funders, whether it’s to build a monthly giving program, engage that first-time end-of-year supporter, or retain your major gifts and corporate sponsors. This strategy is what led me to that 80% retention rate and you want to kick off the year by implementing these strategies.

Watch Navigating the new year: Donor retention strategies that raise more on YouTube.

Please note: This webinar was originally produced by Network for Good, now a Bonterra solution. As a result, it features outdated branding, and you may hear references to products that have been renamed.

    Guided Fundraising
  • Webinar
  • Nonprofits
  • Digital communications & marketing
  • Fundraising ideas