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Fix your RFP process

Tips and tricks to run a smooth request for proposals (RFP) process for platform and partner selection, and how to find the right outside help.

Imagine that you're about to begin a new technology project.

You've got the vision, the budget, and the approvals you need to get started. The first step? Finding the right partner or platform to make your dreams come true. And that could mean using an RFP (request for proposals) process.

Many nonprofit organizations put their tech projects or constituent relationship management (CRM) platform searches out to bid using an RFP process. But no one loves it—in fact, many nonprofit teams, consultants, and software companies loathe writing or responding to an RFP. Time-consuming and clunky, the current RFP process just doesn't deliver the results we need: an efficient way to identify, evaluate, and select the right support partner or system.

It doesn't have to be this way!

View this webinar with two industry experts, Alfredo Ramirez and Maureen Wallbeoff, to get a fresh take on the old RFP process and discover tips and tricks you can use to run a smooth and effective platform or partner selection process.

Watch Fix your RFP process and find the right outside help on YouTube.

Please note: This webinar was originally produced by EveryAction, now a Bonterra solution. As a result, it features outdated branding, and you may hear references to products that have been renamed.

    Donor Engagement
  • Webinar
  • Nonprofits
  • Digital communications & marketing
  • Fundraising ideas